Cyclists tackle bucket list challenge

Hospice officials are urging fundraisers to rise to the challenge after organising a series of events to sustain their vital work.

Cyclists and walkers will be able to tackle sponsored rides and hikes between May and July to raise much-needed funds for St Teresa’s Hospice, which helps people with life-limiting conditions living in Darlington, South Durham and North Yorkshire.

The challenge events get under way with a Yorkshire 3 Peaks trek in May, and on Sunday, June 26, cyclists will get a turn with the Hadrian’s Cycle Challenge. Sponsored by Thomas Watson Auctioneers, riders will follow in the footsteps of ancient Roman centurions as they follow the route of the wall across 100 miles of beautiful countryside.

Entries are £50 per person and includes expert leaders on the day, a training programme and kit list, hospice goody bag, the opportunity to take part in training rides and attendance at a welcome event held by the hospice team. Riders must also raise £200 in sponsorship.

Places are going fast. To secure a place visit

For couple Donna and Andy Evenson the ride will allow them to complete a bucket list dream of completing a 100 mile ride.

They live out of the area in the Ribble Valley and spotted the ride online. They wanted to complete the ride for themselves, having overcome serious health problems, and also to support the hospice movement which helped Andy’s brother in his final days.

“The 100 mile cycle challenge was on both our bucket lists and I was tasked to find a challenge for 2022,” said Donna, who has lived with type 1 diabetes since she was pregnant 30 years ago. “After looking on line I discovered the St Teresa’s Hospice challenge which sounded perfect.”

Andy went for his flu jab and asked for a well man check up at the clinic only to discover he had stage 4 prostate cancer. He joined a trial which enabled him to have surgery, a radical prostatectomy last year.

He said: “Together we will prove that we can do this inspite of our health issues and our aim is to motivate others recovering from cancer and those living with type 1 diabetics to make the most of every day and take part in things.

“Life is too short not to try things and miss out on adventures. Meeting new people is nice and being able to help those who cannot help themselves is an honour.”

The couple’s Just Giving page can be found at

Hospice Relationships & Marketing Lead Lyn Hatch said: “I am absolutely delighted at the positive response we’ve had to our 2022 Challenge Events. I’m taking part in all four of them personally, which is a real challenge for me too! It would be really great to fill the last few places we have for the Cycle event in June, which is sure to be a superb day with folk like Donna & Andy involved, who simply ooze with enthusiasm and positivity.”

Due to phenomenal demand, three Yorkshire 3 Peaks Challenges will be taking place for those who prefer walking over pedal power.

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