Complementary Therapies
We offer complementary therapies to support regular or orthodox treatments such as medication.
These treatments may be used to reduce stress and anxiety or may be used to help with other problems such as pain and nausea.
Complementary Therapies
Complementary Therapies are given alongside conventional treatments for cancer and other conditions. They are beneficial for pain relief, and for promoting relaxation and well-being which is particularly important. The main criteria for the choice of therapy is simply what you feel comfortable with. Our therapists are fully trained, qualified and are members of recognized professional governing bodies.

How do I access this service?
Complementary Therapies are offered to patients on the Inpatient Unit and our Out-Patients. Carers can also access our full range of therapies (subject to availability). For further information, please email or phone 01325 254321.
All Enquiries
If you have any questions, please contact the Hospice on either the main phone number at 01325 254321 or send us an email.
We love to hear your feedback about our services. If you have anything you would like to let us know, please fill out the short form.