Hospice unveils modern newlook to reflect its quality care

A NORTH East hospice has revealed a new logo and brand identity as part of its mission to continue providing exceptional care for patients and families.

The redesign, spearheaded by the hospice’s in-house marketing expertise, will update and modernise the charity’s established ‘Tree of Life’ logo and wider brand.

Nicola Myers, chief executive, said: “Our new look reaffirms St Teresa’s Hospice’s unique identity and the special place it holds in the hearts of those we help.

“We believe it is the ideal time to refresh our brand, coinciding with the recent launch of our exciting three-year strategic plan, and I’m delighted with the result.

“However, we are very mindful of the difficult economic climate we’re facing, so it was vital the redesign, and the subsequent rollout across the charity, is done in an efficient, cost-effective manner.

“That’s why we’re proud to have developed this in-house, thanks to our talented marketeer, Beccy Myles.”

Beccy said: “In redesigning our brand, I took the lead from our core hospice values: providing a welcoming space, dedication to care, compassion in all we do, supporting people at every stage, and ensuring excellence.

“As Nicola said, it’s come together really well. I’m confident that our new look reflects these values, and the fantastic work our frontline staff deliver on a daily basis.”

The rebrand has been launched to coincide with the national Hospice UK Legacy campaign, which highlights the importance to hospices of gifts left in wills.

“The launch of our new brand comes at a significant moment, as we also highlight the vital role of legacy giving,” said Nicola.

“Legacy gifts to hospices are declining across the UK, but they are incredibly important to ensuring our survival, sustainability, and future growth.

“As we look to the future, we ask our amazing supporters to consider leaving a gift in their will, helping us to continue to be there for generations to come.”

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