Six steps to leaving a gift
Don’t know where to start? These six steps will help you start to think about what to include when writing your Will.
This information is a quick guide on how to get started writing a Will. We recommend you seek professional advice for anything you’re unsure of.
1. Request your free Gift in Wills guide
A great way to learn about gifts in Wills and the difference your gift will make is by reading our guide. It contains everything you need to know, alongside our heartfelt gratitude for helping us to continue caring.
2. Choose what to include in your Will
Your Will is a reflection of what matters to you, and for most people that is their family and friends. Your loved ones come first – we respect that and won’t try to change it.
Putting a gift in your Will to charity doesn’t stop you doing that, especially if the gift is from whatever is left over after all your gifts to family have been made.
We find that most families are proud of the gifts their loved ones leave to St Teresa’s Hospice.
3. Decide on any gifts you’d like to give
You don’t have to be wealthy in order to leave a gift in your Will to charity. Much of our care is only possible because of gifts that people leave in their Will.
Gifts in Wills also pay for lots of things – a hot meal for a family, a session of counselling, or our Community Team helping someone in their own home for a few hours. Whatever the size of your gift – large or small – you can be sure we will use it to care for your community.
4. Choose your executors
Your executors are the people who administer your Will for you when you are gone. They tell any beneficiaries about their gifts and settle any debts you may owe. They will also deal with HMRC where necessary.
Executors need to be people you trust, and they need to be prepared to take on the responsibility involved in undertaking this role. Executors can be family or a friend, though many people also use solicitors.
5. Write a new Will or update your existing Will
You can write a new Will or update an existing Will for free online, in person or over the phone.
You can find out more about Make a Will Month via the link below.
6. Please let us know about your gift!
By telling us about your interest in leaving a gift in your Will to St Teresa’s Hospice, or about a legacy gift you have already pledged, you’re helping us plan for the future.
Please let us know so that we can thank you personally and be on hand to help you with any next steps. We also respect your decision to keep this private if you prefer.