Support for Children

St Teresa’s Hospice offers specialist support for children and young people looking to make sense of a death – to enable them to communicate, explore and normalise their feelings and concerns in a safe way.

We can provide support to children and young people aged under twenty-six years old even if the person who died was not known to the Hospice if the nature of the death was due to a life-limiting illness. We have a suite of private rooms that provide a safe space to talk as well as family and children’s rooms designed to allow children and young people to feel at home.

Please contact the Hospice on 01325 254321 or email and ask to speak to a member of the Bereavement Care Team for more information.

All Enquiries

If you have any questions, please contact the Hospice on either the main phone number at 01325 254321 or send us an email.


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